That said, Chuck is very grateful this happened when he was 64, not 34 or 24. His life got very small and remains so, but he feels good about this stage of life and he’s always been upbeat. He has a hard time traveling anywhere far from home, but he’s always wound up when he gets a visitor.
But the truth is this has changed his life completely. He can’t hike or take a walk, or go grocery shopping, or go to church. He has rough problems with nausea and vomiting, often spontaneously, never fun. He’s tired all the time, even though his mood is good. And he has some problems with memory and confusion, most likely caused by hypoxia due by blood clots. There are no real worries at this point, but just FYI in case you see him and he seems weird. He is VERY weird.
And what he’s been doing for these past years of isolation has been learning quite a bit about animation, something he’s loved for years. So there’s a video link at the end of this if you want to see a Christmas-themed little 5-minute video he made.
Again, we wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We miss so many of you, and hope one day to have many happy reunions.